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Nikihayekouchak project

Nikihayekouchak project


Nikihayekouchak is Iranian counterpart of Random Act of Kindness project.


  • In this project we are trying to promote the culture of peace and kindness through different available means in our society. Examples of what we plan to do are: visiting patients and seniors; handing out food and clothes to homeless people; smiling; offering our skills to people who need them; cleaning public places; giving away ice cream/small toy to children ....

We are in the beginning of our long journey and we need help to make it practical. If you are interested in, please contact us:



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Peace Tours Project

Peace Tours


(Organize tours to war-torn areas, battlefields, spiritual centers, and ecological sites with the purpose of learning lessons from the past and being messengers of peace)


  • Identify locations for travel.
  • Create tour itinerary.
  • Collect travel guide and relevant materials
  • Create tours to war-torn areas and battlefield sites, both domestic and international, with the purpose of peace education.
  • Create an international and domestic network of peace tours.



“Lest We Forget! “ Project

Lest we forget


(A support network for survivors who are hospitalized. We will follow up with them while they are hospitalized and provide any needed support to their families.)


  • Create a network of all survivors of chemical warfare so that we are informed when one is hospitalized.
  • Organize visits to survivors in the hospital and at their homes when newly released.
  • Support survivors and their families who have special needs and extenuating circumstances.
  • Advocate on behalf of the survivors in case they need extended medical care or extended social services for their families.

lest we forget 111

Art for Peace project

Art for Peace project


(Create art projects that have peace and anti-violence as their core messages)


  • Create workshops for training the trainers
  • Collect art education material for Museum Library.
  • Purchase material necessary for art projects and art workshops.
  • Program art workshops.



Messengers of Peace Project

Messengers of Peace


(Survivors of chemical warfare undergo training to serve as peace ambassadors from Iran to different international symposia/ conferences and public events.

To raise awareness through eye witness accounts as well and to deliver message of peace )


  • Organize 10-hour training workshops for peace messengers (gas attacks survivors).
  • Research relevant peace symposia and conferences for attendance.
  • Organize trips (one every three months).
  • Create reports from each trip and publish reports on Museum website.



Traveling C-Bomb Exhibition

Traveling C-bomb exhibition


(This multi-lingual exhibition includes images and archival material about chemical warfare and its effects on survivors for the purpose of raising awareness)


  • Select relevant images from the archives and write accompany material.
  • Translate material to several languages.
  • Curate and design the exhibition posters.
  • Print exhibition posters and create digital format of the exhibition.
  • Send the exhibition package to relevant destinations to be displayed.
  • Display the exhibition during the “Messengers of Peace” missions.



Peace Education

پروژه آموزش فرهنگ صلح

Peace Education


(این آموزش در سطوح مختلف برای دانش آموزان، دانشجویان و سطح عمومی با محتوای مبتنی بر مفاهیم دینی و ملی برگزار میشود)


   برگزاری دو کارگاه آموزشی برای مربیان TOT

   گردآوری تجربیات موجود در سایر کشورها

   گردآوری متون و مواد درسی مرتبط

   بومی سازی مواد و محتوای آموزشی

   اجرای برنامه آموزشی برای مخاطیان در جند سطح


Peace Education

Phoenix Project

Phoenix Project


(Survivors of chemical warfare volunteer as guides to the Peace Museum for their invited friends, family, and colleagues, They also work as peace ambassadors in their own communities by educating others about creating a culture of peace and by encouraging them to visit the Museum.)


  • Organize workshops for survivors on how to narrate and provide information on their guided tours.
  • Put together educational opportunities for survivors, especially focused on foreign language training.
  • Design invitation cards for outreach purposes and uniforms for volunteer guides.
  • Produce material for guided tours, as well as public relations material for outreach purposes.
  • File monthly report from each member in the museum archives.

CW Oral History project

Oral History project


of Chemical Warfare Survivors



(This project aims to gather long-form interviews with survivors of chemical warfare in order to create an archive of their histories. Interviews will be both audio and video, with transcripts available in the original Persian as well as English translations.)


  • Organize workshops aimed at teaching how to conduct oral history interviews.
  • Interview 20 survivors per month.
  • Interview experts on chemical warfare and physicians familiar with cases of chemical exposure.
  • Transcribe all interviews.
  • Gather archival material related to chemical warfare.
  • Create a digital archive of the interviews products (Audio, Video, texts)



Peace and Smile Project

Peace and Smile Project


(Organize tours to war-torn areas, battlefields, spiritual centers, and ecological sites with the purpose of learning lessons from the past and being messengers of peace)


  • Identify locations for travel.
  • Create tour itinerary.
  • Collect travel guide and relevant materials
  • Create tours to war-torn areas and battlefield sites, both domestic and international, with the purpose of peace education.
  • Create an international and domestic network of peace tours.


 Peace love smile


L’accent sur l’engagement des...
L’accent sur l’engagement des survivants. 
« Leurs yeux brûlés et leurs toux exprimaient mieux leur souffrance que n’importe quel mot. »
En visitant le musée de la paix d’Hiroshima, les fondateurs du musée de la paix de Téhéran, réalisèrent la nécessité d’impliquer les victimes de la guerre dans la création du musée. 
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Le musée de la paix de Téhéran

Le musée de la paix de Téhéran 

Actuellement installée dans un bâtiment mis à disposition par la municipalité de Téhéran, au sein de l’historique parc de la ville, le musée de la paix de Téhéran est tant un centre intéractif de la paix qu’un musée. Il coordonne des programmes éducatifs pour la paix qui se font à travers des ateliers et l’organisation de conférences sur la culture de la paix, de la réconciliation, du droit international humanitaire, du désarmement et de la promotion de la paix.

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Qu’est-ce qu’un musée de la paix?

Qu’est-ce qu’un musée de la paix?
Lorsque vous entendez pour la première fois parler de « Musée de la paix » vous pourriez être légèrement surpris voire même un peu sceptique.
Il est simple d’imaginer ce qui se passe dans un musée de guerre mais que se passe-t-il dans un musée de la paix? Et si le mouvement de la paix est représenté dans un musée est-ce que cela signifie que la paix est reléguée au passé?

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Création du musée de la paix...

Création du musée de la paix iranien
Sa création a commencé au détour d’une conversation entre le fondateur la société d’aide aux victimes des armes chimiques (SCWVS) basée à Téhéran et le coordinateur du réseau international des musées de la paix, en 2005. Ceci, ainsi qu’une visite à Hiroshima au Japon par les membres du SCWVS un an plus tôt, a suscité le désir de créer un musée de la paix à Téhéran.

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