British-Iranian Friendship Group visits Tehran Peace Museum

BritishMPsOn Tuesday, 7 January, 2014, a group of British Parliamentarians from the British-Iranian Friendship Group, under the leadership of former foreign minister, Jack Straw, visited the Tehran Peace Museum. Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, a Member of Parliament and chair of “Stop the War Coalition”, also joined the delegation.

During their hour-long visit to the museum, the British-Iranian Friendship Group talked to war victims and chemical weapons survivors who are volunteer guides in the museum. The discussions covered several issues including the problems Iranians currently face regarding sanctions and the consequent shortage of necessary medical supplies.

The delegation offered to help build bridges between British and Iranian NGOs, who are active in the field of peace and countering the trend toward war.

To see the photos of this event please click here.

Ban Ki-moon Visited the TPM exhibition in the Hague

BanKiMoon1The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon visited the art exhibition set up by TPM on the side line of the 3rd review conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Hague and had a chat with TPM members including survivors of chemical warfare.

Ban Ki-moon who was in the Hague to attend the opening ceremony of the CWC review conference, in his opening speech mentioned his meeting with the gas attacks survivors and that it makes our responsibility heavier to try for abolition of WMD including chemical weapons.

The third review conference of the Chemcial Weapons Cinvention was started on 08 April in the Hague with diplomatic delegationd from 188 member states, over 70 NGOs and international organizations. A delegation from the Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support - SCWVS - have participated in the conference as amembers of CWC NGO coalition.

Iranian “Messengers of Peace” met with Mayor of Hiroshima

japon-travelA delegation of survivors of chemical warfare and volunteers of Tehran Peace Museum who visited Hiroshima to attend the 67th anniversary of A-bomb attack as well as several other meetings and events , met with “kazumi Matsui”, Mayor of Hiroshima on 7 August 2012.

During this meeting which was a part of “Messengers of Peace” mission organized by Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support  - SCWVS -, Mayor Matsui expressed his support to the exchanges between peace museums of Tehran and Hiroshima as well as fruitful peace exchanges between NGOs and citizens of Iran and Japan since 2004.

At the end of this meeting, envoy of the Mayor of Tehran, handed the message of Mayor Qalibaf to Mayor Matsui.

ادامه مطلب: Iranian “Messengers of Peace” met with Mayor of Hiroshima

Peace Postcards Exhibition is now open for visitors

200 Peace Postcards from 20 differentposter-PPC


countries from all over the globe

Date: 23 - 26 September 2012



Visiting hours: 10 - 18

Addmition: free


ادامه مطلب: Peace Postcards Exhibition is now open for visitors

Mayor of Tehran Paid a visit to Tehran Peace Museum



Bagher Qalibaf, Mayor of Tehran paid a visit to Tehran Peace Museum on Monday 30 July 2012.
Following his visit to different sections of the museum, he had a meeting with board members as well as volunteer members of the museum including survivors of chemical weapons attacks who work for TPM as volunteer guides.


During his visit the project of documentation and oral history of chemical warfare survivors was launched officially. To see photos of this visit click here