Asadollah Mohammadi

From Gas attack to Peace activism

asdollah-ohammadiAsadollah Mohammadi was

Born on 1964 in Kashan, at the center of Iran. He was 22 when he was seriously injured during a gas attacks by Iraqi airplanes in Majnoon island in 1986. He spent several months in the hospitals following his exposure to Mustard gas and due to severe pulmonary and visual problems; he couldn't get back to work and normal life any more.

Inhalation of Mustard gas caused stenosis and scaring in his trachea (windpipe) and main airways of his lung so he had to travel to Germany from time to time to undergo complicated surgery to keep his airways open and had to be under strict medical care for his lung lesions.,

Despite all his physical and psychological difficulties, he did not lose his hope; he returned to the society, started a family and began his social and cultural activities in his hometown. To have access to better medical care he had to move to the capital and studied Chemistry in the University then he joined the NGO Tehran Peace Museum as a volunteer. He is currently involved in several educational activities to raise public awareness on catastrophic consequences of war and Chemical Weapons and to promote a culture of Peace among young generation and other citizens..

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

"Their burnt eyes and their coughs express their suffering more eloquently than any words"

While visiting the Hiroshima Peace Museum the founders of the Tehran Peace Museum realized the necessity of involving the victims of war in the creation of the museum. Only these individuals could provide credible accounts of the harsh realities of war and their correlating desire for peace.


What is a Peace Museum?

What is a Peace Museum?

When you first hear of a "Peace museum" you may be slightly mystified or perhaps even a bit skeptical. It is easy to imagine what goes into a war museum but what can you put in a peace museum? And if the peace movement is to be represented in a museum does that mean it is being relegated to the past? 


The Tehran Peace Museum

The Tehran Peace Museum

Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum. It coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops and hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament and peace advocacy.


Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Its founding began with a conversation between the founder of the Tehran-based Society for Chemical Weapons Victims support (SCWVS) and a coordinator for the international Peace Museums Network in 2005. This, as well as a visit to Hiroshima, Japan by members of SCWVS a year before, prompted the desire for a museum in Tehran.


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