"Peace Counts" in Herat

Peace-Counts-LogoThe half-day Workshop and exhibition "Peace counts" was held on June 18th, 2017 in Herat University Peace Center for 25 participants from 5 faculties of this university (law and Political Science; Social Sciences; Islamic Law and Science; Journalism; Public Relations and Education ), which included discussions on conflict resolution and conflict transformation.

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Peace Counts in Saravan Azad University

Saravan-tiThe Peace Counts workshop was held in the Saravan, the capital of Saravan County in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, on December 17th, 2016. This workshop was held in Islamic Azad university of Saravan, with 13 participants from students, lecturers and staffs. Some lawyers and officials of Saravan were among the participants as well. 


During the workshop different concepts of peace as well as conflict escalation levels were discussed. The posters with the central point of local mediators specially "New Life for an Old Tradition" was the subject of discussions since the participants thought it can be an acceptable way of de-escalation in their region too.

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Peace Counts in Shiraz University

PC-Shiraz-tiThe Peace Counts workshop was held in Shiraz University on December 14th, 2016. This workshop was held in Shiraz University with 8 participants, students of law and psychology, were among them. Participants were members of AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences).


During the workshop participants got familiar with different concepts of peace after reading the Peace Counts Posters. Different aspects of peace as well as Galtung triangle on peace and violence were discussed in this workshop. After a role play based on Peace Counts posters, the participants talked in the groups on nine level of conflict escalation and the role of a mediator in each level.

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"Professional Course on Peace Education" hold at TPM

کارگاه تخصصی پنج روزه‌‌ آموزش صلح The "Professional Course on Peace Education" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) as a joint project with Berghof Foundation from 7th to 11th, November 2016. 

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“Peace Counts” Workshop in Tehran Peace Museum

Cover-Persian-newsThe Peace Counts workshop was held in the Tehran Peace Museum on February 2nd, 2016. 15 participants from 6 member organization of the Council for Promoting the Culture of Peace for Children were present in this workshop.

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"Peace Counts" exhibition and workshops in Tehran's universities

Cover-Persian-newsFaculty of Law and Political Sciences of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran hosted the "Peace Counts" exhibition on 13-20 December, 2015. The exhibition was organized in collaboration with the Tehran Peace Museum on the occasion of the National Research Week. 

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Peace Counts on Tour in Tehran Peace Museum

Peace-counts-2The Peace Counts Exhibition and related workshops were held in the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) from 20th to 24th July 2015 with the presence of representatives from the Berghof Foundation from Germany.

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The Second “Peace Counts” workshop was held in TPM

Peace-Counts-LogoThe second “Peace Counts” workshop was held in Tehran Peace Museum on January 7th. In this workshop in which some of the volunteers of “The Council of Promoting the Culture of Peace for Children” were present, the participants learnt about different definitions of peace and the conflict escalation.
The Council of Promoting the Culture of Peace for Children is consisted of different NGOs including TPM which work to promote the culture of peace with a focus on working for the children.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

The First “Peace Counts” workshop was held in TPM

Nicco-LogoThe first “Peace Counts” workshop was held in Tehran Peace Museum on December 22nd. In this workshop in which 12 Iranians and Afghan interns and staff of NICCO were present, the participants learnt about different definitions of peace and the conflict escalation.
NICCO is a Japanese based NGO which presents humanitarian aids to different groups of people.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.


“Peace Counts” opening ceremony held in Tehran Peace Museum

Cover-Persian-newsOn Wednesday 19 November 2014, “Peace Counts” exhibition’s opening ceremony held in Tehran Peace Museum. Several national and international guests attended the event including the  representatives of UN agencies, embassies, ministries and NGOs; during the program, Ambassador Hasan Ghashghavi, deputy foreign minister for consular affairs, H.E. Michael von Ungern-Sternberg, the ambassador of Germany, Mr. Uli Jager, the director of Peace Education and Global Learning Department of Berghof Foundation and Ms. Anne Romund, Peace Counts Project Manager delivered speeches.

To see photos of the ceremony click here.

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Focus on Survivors' Involvement

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

"Their burnt eyes and their coughs express their suffering more eloquently than any words"

While visiting the Hiroshima Peace Museum the founders of the Tehran Peace Museum realized the necessity of involving the victims of war in the creation of the museum. Only these individuals could provide credible accounts of the harsh realities of war and their correlating desire for peace.


What is a Peace Museum?

What is a Peace Museum?

When you first hear of a "Peace museum" you may be slightly mystified or perhaps even a bit skeptical. It is easy to imagine what goes into a war museum but what can you put in a peace museum? And if the peace movement is to be represented in a museum does that mean it is being relegated to the past? 


The Tehran Peace Museum

The Tehran Peace Museum

Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum. It coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops and hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament and peace advocacy.


Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Its founding began with a conversation between the founder of the Tehran-based Society for Chemical Weapons Victims support (SCWVS) and a coordinator for the international Peace Museums Network in 2005. This, as well as a visit to Hiroshima, Japan by members of SCWVS a year before, prompted the desire for a museum in Tehran.


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