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Talk for Peace!

Focus-Group-Discussion-FGD-001Tehran Peace Museum is pleased to announce that the English Discussion Group with the focus on peace related topics has been started since few weeks ago. 

 All interested individuals who are in intermediate to advanced levels of English are welcome to join the group.

 It would be a great opportunity not only to improve listening/speaking skill but also to exchange Ideas about different topics and improve our knowledge.

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opportunity for listening to eye witness accounts of Chemical Warfare survivors


world-free-of-WMDOn the occasion of “National day for campaigning against Chemical Weapons” there will be an opportunity for all citizens to meet with survivors of chemical warfare and listen to their eye witness accounts.

On Thursday 28 June, at Tehran Peace Museum several CW victims - most of them are volunteer guides of the museum – will host visitors to share their experience with them and to raise awareness about the consequences of Chemical Weapons.

Those who are interested to meet with them and listen to first hand eye witness accounts are invited to join us on 28 June 2012 from 9 am to 4 pm.

On the sideline of the event there will be several presentations by experts and art exhibitions in the museum.  For group visits contact us in advance.

Countdown to the International Day of Peace 2012

100 days_countdownLess than 100 days left to the International Day of peace .

The International Day of Peace, marked every year on 21 September, gives us all a chance to reflect on the unconscionable toll – moral, physical, material – wrought by war.  Those costs are borne not only by us today, but by future generations as well.

This year, Tehran Peace Museum as usual, will organize an observance on this day.  Further details of the event will be announced soon. If you are interested in contributing in this event , please contact us!

Opportunity for those who are interested in Peace and conflict studies


A Masters degree in "conflictology"


The first of joint activities to be undertaken under the new cooperation between UNITAR (The United Nations Institute for Training and Research) and the Open University of Catalunya, in collaboration with Peacekeeping Programme that will be followed by joint activities in international law.

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Workshop on International Humanitarian Law


  TPM - ICRC Collaboration

According to an agreement between the International Committee of Red Cross ICRC and Tehran Peace Museum TPM, a series of training courses on International Humanitarian Law IHL will be held in TPM . the first program of such series would be a workshop on IHL and use of prohibited weapons which will be held at TPM in mid July 2012.Although this workshop is primarily designed for students of International Law, however those with other backgrounds who are interested in participating in the workshop can apply.

For further information and application please contact us via email.

Education Opportunity at University for peace

UpeaceThe UN-mandated University for peace is accepting applications for the Distance Education programme: online Master of Arts in "Sustainable Peace in Contemporary World".

For further details visit U-Peace website :

Workshop on UN Structure and Function / Finding UN Documents was held in Tehran Peace Museum


 A collaboration between UNIC-Tehran and

 Tehran Peace Museum

Two workshops on United Nations structure and activities / finding UN documents were held by UNIC-Tehran in Tehran Peace Museum.

The workshops were held during two days on 23-24 May 2012 in which 25 students of master of International law and political sciences participated.

Those who are interested to participate in the coming workshops in this field can contact tehran peace Museum for further information and registration.


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International Day of Museums IDM 2012



Every year since 1977 International Museum Day is organised worldwide around May 18


This day is an occasion to raise awareness on how important museums are in the development of society.

These recent years, International Museum Day has been experiencing its highest involution with almost 30,000 museums that organised activities in more than 100 countries.

In Tehran, a ceremony will be held to mark the IMD on Sunday 20 May in which representatives of many Iranian museums will attend.

Report: Peace Drawing Exhibition of Iranian & Japanese Children


The Peace Drawing Exhibition of Iranian & Japanese children, was held on 9th & 10th of May 2012 in Arasbaran civic center - Tehran. This exhibition was organized by Hadis Pre-school Center and Tehran Peace Museum as a part of a long term cultural exchange program between Iranian and ‏international children which is aimed to promote a culture of peace and friendship between children.

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Peace Drawing Exhibition of Iranian & Japanese Children


a collaboration of Hadis Pre-school Center and Tehran Peace Museum

9th & 10th May 2012, Arasbaral Cultural Center, 10am to 6pm

The 27th exhibition of the Hadis Pre-school students’ drawings, which is a new collaboration between Hadis and Tehran Peace Museum, presents a joint program between Iranian and ‏Japanese children seeking advocate peace and friendship culture between children.

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Lest we forget the victims of Chemical warfare...


On Sunday 29 April 2012 at Tehran Peace Museum, the observance of the day of remembrance for all victims of chemical weapons was held. Many participants attended the event including survivors of chemical warfare, representatives of international organizations, academics, journalist, etc.

The UN secretary General's message was delivered by the head of UNIC in Tehran then a Video message by the Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW was shown followed by a message by a survivor of chemical attacks on behalf of Iranian victims of chemical warfare.

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Message by the PNND on 29 April memorial ceremony

RTEmagicC PNND logo 2008 resized.jpg

Statement on the occasion of the

International Day of Remembrance for all victims of Chemical warfare


For the memorial ceremony  in Tehran Peace Museum 29 April 2012


On behalf of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, I extend deepest respects to all those from Iran who have suffered from the devastating effects of chemical weapons use.

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Today the Chemical Weapons Convention completes 15 years of its operation. This represents 15 years of progress that has no precedent in disarmament. The Convention embodies a commitment that took a hundred years to codify. An unqualified and unconditional ban on chemical weapons was the only means to prevent the carnage that humanity witnessed time and again.

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Ban Ki-moon's Message


UN Secretary General's Message on


 29 April 2012


The Day of Remembrance for All Victims of Chemical Warfare is an occasion to mourn those who have suffered from these inhumane arms and to renew our resolve to eradicate them from our world.

When we remind the world of the agony inflicted by chemical weapons, we present the most compelling case for permanently outlawing them and establishing and verifying, through the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), a comprehensive and legally binding ban.

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Press Release


On International Day of Remembrance for

all victims of Chemical warfare

29 April 2012 – Tehran


A remembrance ceremony to commemorate victims of Chemical Weapons will be held in Tehran Peace Museum on Sunday 29 April 2012 from 10 to 11 am.

In the memorial ceremony this year, messages of the UN secretary General and the OPCW Director General will be delivered.


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TOT Workshop on: “ Peace education”


A training of trainers workshop on “Peace education” with focus on techniques for teaching peace to children will be held in Tehran Peace Museum on Wednesday 18 April 2012.

This workshop is a part of the Peace education program of the Tehran Peace Museum.

Participants will receive certificate of attendance.

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Nowruz No War

Nowruz No_War_24th_March_London

Children’s Prayer for a peaceful New Year

thamChildren’s Prayer for a peaceful New Year

Tehran Peace Museum , 11 march 2012

As we are getting close to 20 March, the Nowruz celebration (which marks the first day of spring and the beginning of the year in Iranian calendar) The Tehran peace museum was host of a beautiful ceremony called: “Children’s Prayer for a peaceful New Year” .

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International students of Tehran University visited Tehran Peace Museum



Groups of international students of Tehran University visited Tehran Peace Museum on 09 and 10 February2012. During their visits, the student visitors who are studying various majors such as law, medicine etc., exchanged their opinions and expressed their own view points.

Spokesman of Iran Foreign ministry visitedTehran Peace Museum



Mr Mehmanparast, Spokesman of the foreign ministry of iran visited Tehran Peace Museum and met with it's members on 01 February 2012. In this friendly meeting which lasted over two hours, they talked on issues such as peace museums worldwide and the society for chemical weapons victims support(SCWVS) activities,

he also listened to eye witness accounts of some survivors of chemical weapons atacks who are volunteering for the peace museum. Mr Mehmanparast appreciated the efforts of the founders of the first Peace Museum in Iran and emphasized on the roots of peace in Iranian culture.

Ceremony to deliver the prize of the selected award winner of "Hiroshima Peace International drawing Competition for Children"


In a ceremony at Tehran Peace Museum, the prize of Hida Bahmani, the award winner of the Hiroshima Peace drawing Competition, delivered to her with the presence of some of her family members and teachers. In addition of the prize and certificate of honor from Hiroshima Peace Museum - signed by mayor ofHiroshima- , Tehran Peace Museum also gave the twelve years old Hida some extra awards too.

this competition is held annually in Hiroshima and  Iranian children / youth who want to participate in this contest can send their art works to Tehran Peace Museum to be delivered to the secretariat inHiroshima.


Finish Under-Secretary of State Mr. Jaakko Laajava Visited Tehran Peace Museum


On 16 January 2012 members of Tehran Peace Museum,  and some  members of PSR-Iran (Iranian affiliate of International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War IPPNW) had a meeting with Finish Under-Secretary of State for foreign and security policy Mr. Jaakko Laajava who has been appointed by UN Secretary General as the facilitator for the 2012 conferenceon on Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone -MENWFZ.


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Iran's Foreign minister Visited Tehran Peace Museum



Dr Aliakbar Salehi,minister of foreign affairs of iran visited Tehran Peace Museum on 24 November 2011.

During his two hours visit he also had a meeting with founders and volunteers of the Peace Museum and listened to a report on international activities of the museum as well as disarmament, ant-Nuclear weapons activities and international exchange programsof the Peace museum.

Dr.Salehi expressed his admiration to the survivors of chemical weapons attacks who are volunteering for the peace museum as guides to share their experience with young generation and raise awareness about danger of WMD despite their suffering and health problems, he also wished that by efforts of peace museums and other civil society organizations we will never witness human tragedies like atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as chemical attacks against Irans.