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Introduction to INMP members:

Gernika1: Gernika Peace Museum Foundation
The Gernika Peace Museum -formerly known as the Gernika Museum-- was founded on 7th April 1998 by the Gernika-Lumo Town Hall in a building which was previously been used by the Courts and the post office and Telegraph service.
The Museum may be considered as a history museum in the sense that it was used as a guide to the history of Gernika-Lumo and, more particularly, to the Civil War and the bombing.
From 1999 to 2002, with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture, the decision was taken to turn the museum into a Peace Museum (the first peace museum in the Basque Country and the entire Spanish State).

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Scholarship for Peace and Conflict Studies Opportunity

Uppsala UniSince 2011 the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University provides Rotary scholarships to pursue a master program in peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University and students from all over the world can apply to.

The Rotary Center for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution at Uppsala University selects and educates Rotary Peace Fellows to have a significant, positive impact on peace and conflict resolution during their future careers.

For more information please visit the department's website:

British-Iranian Friendship Group visits Tehran Peace Museum

BritishMPsOn Tuesday, 7 January, 2014, a group of British Parliamentarians from the British-Iranian Friendship Group, under the leadership of former foreign minister, Jack Straw, visited the Tehran Peace Museum. Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, a Member of Parliament and chair of “Stop the War Coalition”, also joined the delegation.

During their hour-long visit to the museum, the British-Iranian Friendship Group talked to war victims and chemical weapons survivors who are volunteer guides in the museum. The discussions covered several issues including the problems Iranians currently face regarding sanctions and the consequent shortage of necessary medical supplies.

The delegation offered to help build bridges between British and Iranian NGOs, who are active in the field of peace and countering the trend toward war.

To see the photos of this event please click here.

Happy New year! Wishing you Peace and Happiness throughout the 2014!

hny2014 Take time to pray...

it helps to bring God near and washes the dust of earth from your eyes.

Take time for friends...

they are the source of happiness.

Take time for work...

it is the price of success.

Take time to think...

it is the source of power.

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Report: The night of Masuji Ibuse held in Tehran Peace Museum


On Tuesday 17 December 2013, the Tehran Peace Museum hosted the night of Masuji Ibuse, the 145th night of Bukhara, in collaboration with the Bukhara cultural and literary magazine, Tehran Peace Museum, Tehran University's Faculty of World's Studies (Japan Studies Group) and Melat Cultural & Social Institute.

Masuji Ibuse is a renowned Japanese author, whose novel entitled Black Rain, has now been translated into Persian by Mr. Ghodratolah Zakeri and published recently in Iran. Black Rain was originally published in 1965, 20 years after the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack. The novel is a reflection of the devastation inflicted on Japan and its people after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Ibuse based his work on actual historical records. In 1989, the book was adapted to a screenplay for a film of the same name, directed by Shohei Imamura.

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The 3rd Workshop on International Humanitarian Law held in TPM

ihl-workshopThe third workshop on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was held in Tehran Peace Museum on 18 December 2013 in collaboration with ICRC office in Iran and National Committee of International Humanitarian Law (NCIHL).

More than 40 students of different courses including international law participated in this workshop in which several subjects including Principles of IHL, Implementation and enforcement of IHL, Red Cross and Red Crescent movement and chemical weapons convention were discussed. ​​

To see the Photos of the event click here.

Ahmet Üzümcü accepts the Nobel Peace Prize for OPCW in Oslo

Nobel2013The annual award ceremony for the Nobel Peace Prize took place in Oslo, Norway on Tuesday 10th of December, 2013. This year’s recipient was the OPCW (the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons).

The OPCW Director-General, Mr. Ahmet Üzümcü, officially accepted the prize on behalf of the organization. Mr Üzümcü was accompanied by a delegation of ambassadors from 10 state parties. In addition, Mr Kazem Gharibabadi, the Iranian Ambassador to The Hague and Iran’s permanent representative to the OPCW, was among the delegates representing countries from Asia.

During his speech at the award ceremony, Mr. Üzümcü shared the following sentiments. “It is enough to look at the pictures of victims to understand the agony that they must have gone through – from Ieper in Belgium to Sardasht in Iran, from Halabja in Iraq to Ghouta in Syria”.

Meeting with the winner of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize in the Hague

DG-1Members of the Tehran Peace Museum's board met with Director General of the OPCW (the winner of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize) in the Hague on 06 December.
Ambassador Ahmad Ozumjo who is due to travel to Oslo to receive the Nobel peace prize next week, welcomed the proposal of the Tehran Peace Museum to send Peace Messengers including survivors of chemical warfare to raise awareness against WMD and to promote culture of peace around the world. they also discussed joint publications and media projects to let the voice of the CW victims be heard by world people.

OPCW Conference in the Hague: Photo Exhibition of the Long Term Effects on the Eye of Chemical Weapons Victims

LahehVictims from Sardasht were present at the exhibition

At the recent OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) annual conference held in The Hague from 2 to 6 December, 2013, the Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) displayed a photo exhibition of the long term effects of mustard gas on the eyes. This exhibition was the first of its kind in the world and was widely seen by the participants of the conference.

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Latest Issue of the International Network of Museums for Peace Newsletter

INMPThe 6th issue of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) newsletter was published in November 2013.

This 12 page newsletter includes the following articles:

• A new Kenyan Travel Exhibition: Journeys of Peace

• The 8th International Conference of Museums for Peace

• Celebrating Peace Philanthropy: INMP’s contributions

• The Annual Report of the INMP board meeting

• A full page coverage of some of the activities of the Tehran Peace Museum on Page 6

Click here to download the newsletter in PDF format and find out more about the programs and activities of the INMP and museums for peace around the world.

Iranian Chemical Weapons victims and Tehran Peace Museum delegation in The Hague

OPCW-picwbA delegation of the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) and representatives from the Tehran Peace Museum will attend the annual Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) conference of the State Parties in the Hague, Netherlands from 2-6 December, 2013.

The OPCW conference, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, is an important forum, particularly in light of the recent chemical attacks in Syria, which recently joined the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).

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Lecture by Prof. Jan Oberg on Conflict Management

Prof. Jan ObergTitle: “From Interventionism to Intelligent Conflict Management”

Date and Time: Wednesday 27 November 2013, 4-6 p.m.

Venue: House of Humanities Scholars (Khane-y-e Andishmandan-e Oloume Ensani), Varsho Park, Varsho Alley Junction, Villa St., Tehran.

Organizers: Tehran Peace Museum, Iranian Association for United Nations Studies, and House of Humanities Scholars.

Open to all the interested individuals

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Tehran Peace Museum had 10 thousands visitors during 8 months!

NMTehran Peace Museum’s daily visit statistics during 8 months of the solar calendar (April – November 2013) are as follow:

Total visitors: 10550 persons

Average number of visitors per month: more than 1300 persons

Average number of visitors per day: 65 persons

Tehran Peace Museum is always looking forward to host the visitors.

Visiting hours: Saturday to Wednesdays, 9 – 12:30 & 14 – 17

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Publication of the Statement on the Impact of Sanctions on Iran’s Environment

EnvironmentOn Sunday 17th November 2013, the Tehran Peace Museum shared a recently published statement by a group of active NGOs about peace and the environment.

The statement focused on the impact of sanctions on Iran’s environment. Dr. Esmaeil Kahrom, an environmental activist and consultant to the Head of the Department of Environment, gave a brief speech and then delivered this statement on behalf of the NGO Representatives.

In this statement, the NGO representatives shared their research on the impact of sanctions on a number of environmental domains such as climate, water, soil, the distinction of different types of plants and animals, etc. The NGO representatives asked for the abolition of sanctions, which have placed people in difficult circumstances, placing their lives, and the physical and psychological health of the society at large, in danger.

To see the photos of this event please click here.

To read the statement please click here.

Dr. Jan Oberg Visits the Tehran Peace Museum

dr oberg On Monday 11th November 2013, the Tehran Peace Museum was honored to welcome Dr. Jan Oberg to give a talk titled "Peace studies in the world and its role in our current world full of wars" during the Museum’s regular open English discussion group. The talk was followed by an informal dialogue and a lively question and answer session.

Dr. Oberg is the director and co-founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research in Lund, Sweden. The Foundation is an independent think tank, which has been dedicated for more than 28 years to academic research, as well as practical, on the ground experience with the purpose of promoting Article 1 of the UN Charter that peace shall be created by peaceful means.

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Report: Seminar on “Environment and Armed Conflicts”

Envir-imagetim On the occasion of the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict (6 November), a seminar on “Environment and Armed Conflicts” was held in Tehran Peace Museum on Wednesday 6 November 2013.

The seminar was a collaboration between Iranian International Studies Association (IISA), Tehran Peace Museum (TPM), United Nations Information Center (UNIC) office in Tehran and Peace & Environment Center.

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Report: “This is not my earth” Artistic Workshop

kuchSepidAn artistic workshop entitled, “This is not my earth”, with the focus on Peace and Children, was held as a collaboration between the Kooche Sepid Artistic Group and the Tehran Peace Museum in the City Park on Friday 1 November 2013. Many children and families attended this event, supported by our enthusiastic volunteers.

In this workshop, which was conducted by different artistic groups, children made tiny puppets, paper cranes, drawings and wrote their peace messages. In addition, one of the participating groups used storytelling methods to talk about “Peace in the City”, to the children who attended this event.

At the end of this half-day workshop, Mr. MReza Taghipoor (the museum’s manager) said this workshop was a rewarding experience for the museum and also for the people who live nearby. He shared his perspective that, “Peace is these few hours that we worked together”.

To see the photos of this event please click here.

The man who walks around the world in Tehran Peace Museum


Spanish young man who walks around the world, after passing 10 countries, was in Iran and visited Tehran Peace Museum on Monday 21 October 2013.

Ignacio Dean Mouliaa, who takes this five-year charity stroll that will be a circuit of the globe to raise awareness about environmental problems, attended one of the free discussion sessions of the museum in English and shared his experience of his travels with the members and volunteers of the museum.

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New Ambassador of the Netherlands visited Tehran Peace Museum

AmbDouma1On Wednesday 23 October 2013, H.E Mr. Johannes Douma, new ambassador of the kingdom of the Netherlands visited Tehran Peace Museum ,together with his spouse and the first secretary, Mr. John van der Zende.

Following his visit and during a meeting with museum's staff and volunteers, chemical warfare survivors, who volunteer for TPM expressed their appreciation to the government and people of the Netherlands for medical care of the CW victims during Iran-Iraq war and for conducting trial for the companies and individuals who helped Sadam's regime in producing and usage of chemical weapons in 1980s. They also mentioned that as the Netherlands hosts OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) and also INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) secretariat in The Hague, TPM's relations with Holland is so important. They also presented a brief report of the museum’s educational programs to the ambassador Douma.

Ambassador Douma, admired TPM's activities and its humanitarian goals and that he would support the museum to be in contact with related institutes in the Netherlands.

To see the photos of this visit click here.

Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the collaboration between MOCT and the Iranian SCWVS held in TPM

10th With the presence of chairperson of MOCT association of Hiroshima, and a delegation of MOCT’s members, a ceremony to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the collaboration between MOCT and the Iranian SCWVS (Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support) -which has founded Tehran Peace Museum, held on Monday 14 October 2013 in Tehran Peace Museum.

In this ceremony despite from MOCT delegation, SCWVS president and a group of chemical weapons victims and survivors, physicians, members and volunteers of TPM, artists and media representatives were present. During this ceremony, representatives and members of both NGOs shared cultural and scientific achievements and memories of these 10 years of collaboration in a friendly atmosphere.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Report: Chairperson and members of “MOCT” association of Hiroshima visited Iran

MOCT2The chairperson and a group of members of MOCT association of Hiroshima visited Iran on 12-16 October 2013.

Mrs. Shizuko Tsuya, Chairperson of MOCT, and a delegation of MOCT’s members traveled to Iran to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the exchange program between MOCT and the Iranian SCWVS (Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support) -which has founded Tehran Peace Museum. During these five days of stay, the delegation hosted by the museum, and have attended in several meetings to discuss on ways of continue this collaboration and exchange programs; and have visited several CW victims and survivors in Tehran and Hamadan.

It has been 10 years that a delegation from MOCT attend in the memorial ceremony for Victims of Chemical Warfar on 29 June each year; and invite a delegation from Tehran Peace Museum and SCWVS to attend the in Hiroshima peace memorial ceremony on the anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on 6th of August.

Syria: 190th state party to the CWC

cwc190On 14 October 2013, the Chemical Weapons Convention -CWC- entered into force for the Syrian Arab Republic, making it the 190th State Party to the treaty. Syria deposited its instrument of accession with the United Nations Secretary-General on 14 September.

At its 74th session in October 2013, the OPCW Executive Council noted the accession of the Syrian Arab Republic and urgently called upon all States not Party to the Convention to join without delay or precondition.

North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan, Angola, Israel and myanmar have not joined the CWC yet, known as 6 states non party to the convention.

The OPCW, winner of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize

opcw noble prizeThe Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday 11 October. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said the OPCW won the award "for its extensive efforts" to rid the world of such weapons. "The conventions and the work of the OPCW have defined the use of chemical weapons as a taboo under international law," the committee said. "Recent events in Syria, where chemical weapons have again been put to use, have underlined the need to enhance the efforts to do away with such weapons." The $1.25 million Nobel Peace Prize will be presented in Oslo, Norway, on Dec. 10, the anniversary of the death of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, who founded the awards in his 1895 will.

The OPCW was entablished in the Hague in 1997 following entering into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention which has 189 member states at the moment. the OPCW is currently overseeing the destruction of Syria's chemical arsenal.

Swiss Diplomatic Delegation visited TPM

SwissMFAMr Yves Rossier, State Secretary of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and the Ambassador of Switzerland in Tehran visited the Tehran Peace Museum on Tuesday  08 October 2013.

At the entrance of the museum they laid flower and lit a candle in tribute of all victims of chemical warfare and prayed for peace.

Following their visit, the diplomatic delegations had a friendly chat with the director and volunteer guides of the peace Museum who are war survivors and victims of chemical warfare.

The TPM members appreciated the role of Switzerland in efforts for peace and humanitarian assistance to war victims and hoped for elimination of WMD from the world.

To see the photos of this event click here.