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The OPCW-The Hague Award announced: First responders training centres and civil society representatives honoured


The OPCW-The Hague Award ceremony was held on Monday, 28 November, 12:15-13:00 CET, on the sidelines of the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CSP-27).

“The OPCW’s mission to rid the world of chemical weapons is as relevant now as it was then. The Hague congratulates this year’s winners for their dedication to making our world a safer place. Future generations will be grateful,”  said Mr Jan van Zanen, the Mayor of the Municipality of The Hague.  

The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Fernando Arias, and the Mayor of the Municipality of The Hague, Mr Jan van Zanen, present the OPCW-The Hague Award to honour three organisations for outstanding contributions to achieving a world free of chemical weapons:

• Special Risks Brigade of the Federal Police of Argentina;

• Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition, representing more than 150 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from around the globe; and

• Population Protection Institute, Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

To watch the 2022 OPCW-The Hague Award Presentation Cermony, Please click heretha-winners-announced 0

Representative of the Tehran Peace Museum attended the 27th conference of the States Parties (CSP 27) to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

CSP 27thRepresentative of the Tehran Peace Museum attended the 27th conference of the States Parties (CSP 27) to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)which was held from 28 Nov to 2 Dec 2022 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

In addition to diplomatic delegations from 193 member States to the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), Several Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from around the world participated in the conference including 3 Iranian NGOs.

The CWC NGO coalition organized a number of side events in the margin of the conference including an NGO forum.

During the NGO Forum, a presentation titled “Update of the health status of chemical warfare survivors and their needs” was delivered jointly by Homeyra Karimivahed as representative of the Organisation for Defending Sardasht Victims of Chemical Weapons (ODVCW) and Dr. Shahriar Khateri from Tehran Peace Museum.

A joint statement on the rights and needs of CW victims was also among the 15 joint statements read by NGOs during the conference.

Please click here, to read the joint statement. 

30th anniversary of the International Network of Museums for Peacee

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), TehranAnniversary webinar- poster- for website Peace Museum hosted a hybrid international webinar titled “Narrating Peace in Museums for Peace”.

The webinar was conducted in three parts: 

Introducing the INMP: historical narrative 

Tehran Peace Museum’s narrative 

Present and future of the INMP

Speakers from the UK, Japan, US, Spain, Canada, Sweden, Australia, India and Iran gave speeches in the webinar. 

Various topics were discussed including: 

The next INMP conference in Uppsala, Sweden, Aug. 2023;

Achievements of the INMP over the past 30 years;

Peace museums with new approaches to display peace;

Projects funded by the INMP.

 To watch the the 30th anniversary of the establishment of International Network of Museums for Peace webinar, please click here.


International Day of Peace commemorating ceremony was held at Tehran Book Garden.

International Day of Peace commemorating ceremony, with the cooperation of Tehran Peace Museum, Iranian Secretariat of Mayors for peace, ICOM Iran, Iranian National Commission of UNESCO, United Nations Office in Iran, Tehran Book Garden, Museum of Friendship, Center of Communication and International Affairs of Tehran Municipality, was held at Tehran Book Garden. peace1

The opening of the ceremony began after the recitation of the Quran, and then the statement of the UN Secretary-General was read by Ms. Eigner Marie Venez (Head of the United Nations Information Center in Iran) and Mr. Pasha Tabrizian (UN Information Expert). Then Mr. Ahmad Mohit Tabatabai (President of ICOM Iran) gave a speech regarding peace in the history of Iran.

The opening was Followed-up by the video "What is peace?" and then Ms. Pope Mahdavi Nader gave a speech in relation to her project entitled "Walking around the world with the slogan of peace and friendship". Next, the statement of the Iranian Organ Donation Association with the theme "Organ donation, a symbol of peace" was read by Ms. Baran Nikrah (the ambassador of the Iranian Organ Donation Association). Then Ms. Zohra Bahrul Uloomi (origami master) introduced this art The opening ceremony was carried on by the reading Tehran Peace Musem statement by the two active veterans, Mr. Taqipour Moghadam (Director of the TPM) and Mr. Mohammadi. 

Read more: International Day of Peace commemorating ceremony was held at Tehran Book Garden.

Commemoration of the International Day of Peace

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, International Day of Peace Commemoration Ceremony will be held by Tehran Peace Museum and ICOM Iran, in cooperation with national and international organizations. International Day of Peace-small size


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Opening : 16:00 to 17:30

Exhibition: 16:00 to 20:00

Venue: Tehran Book Garden

Sections of the exhibition:

Exhibition of peace plaques, exhibition of the Museum of Friendship of Nations, peaceful games, puppets, making crafts and other peaceful programs for children and adults. 

To download the program poster, please click here.

The "Biological weapons from the International Law perspective" meeting was held at the Tehran Peace Museum.

The "Biological weapons from the International Law perspective" meeting was held by the Tehran Peace Museum and the Secretariat and Specialized Library of the National Committee for Humanitarian Rights on Monday, September 7, 2022, at the Tehran Peace Museum, with the presence of participants from various disciplines, including international law.TPM 019

The meeting was held with the presence of professors of biological weapons and experts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

firstly, the epidemiology of biological threats, types of microorganisms, their characteristics, effects, and consequences, the classification of biological agents, as well as the appearance of biological threats in Iran and its neighbors was explained and the key factors of epidemiology were introduced by a professor of the University of Medical Sciences.

Next, one of the lecturers explained the structure and content of the Biological Weapons Convention, as one of the most complete international documents in the field of disarmament.

The other speakers of the meeting discussed and analyzed Article 7 of the Convention. He explained how this international legal document can be strengthened through Article 7, and while identifying the drawbacks that exist in the way of the implementation of this document, he presented solutions for the implementation of the convention.

Read more: The "Biological weapons from the International Law perspective" meeting was held at the Tehran...


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     Tehran peace museum


    Tehran peace Museum is a member of the International Network of Museums for Peace. the main objective of the museum is to promote a culture of peace through raising awareness about the devastating consequences of war with focus on health and environmental impacts of Chemical weapons.


    Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum.


    On June 29, 2007, a memorial for the poison gas victims of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88), along with a Peace Museum, was completed in a park in Tehran, the capital of Iran. These facilities were established by the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (an Iranian NGO), the city of Tehran, some other NGOs, and individuals and groups in Hiroshima.


    The museum coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops on humanitarian law, disarmament, tolerance, and peace education. At the same time, it hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament, and peace advocacy.


    Additionally, the museum houses a documentary studio that provides a workspace wherein the individual stories of victims of warfare can be captured and archived for the historical record. The museum’s peace library includes a collection of literature spanning topics from international law to the implementation of peace to oral histories of veterans and victims of war.


    Permanent and rotating peace-related art exhibitions displaying the work of amateur international and Iranian artists and children's drawings are also housed in the museum complex. Finally, the Iranian secretariat for the international organization Mayors for Peace is housed in the Tehran Peace Museum.

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