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Peace and Smile Project

Peace and Smile Project


(Organize tours to war-torn areas, battlefields, spiritual centers, and ecological sites with the purpose of learning lessons from the past and being messengers of peace)


  • Identify locations for travel.
  • Create tour itinerary.
  • Collect travel guide and relevant materials
  • Create tours to war-torn areas and battlefield sites, both domestic and international, with the purpose of peace education.
  • Create an international and domestic network of peace tours.


 Peace love smile

What is a Peace Museum?

What is a Peace Museum?

When you first hear of a "Peace museum" you may be slightly mystified or perhaps even a bit skeptical. It is easy to imagine what goes into a war museum but what can you put in a peace museum? And if the peace movement is to be represented in a museum does that mean it is being relegated to the past? 

Read more: What is a Peace Museum?

Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Its founding began with a conversation between the founder of the Tehran-based Society for Chemical Weapons Victims support (SCWVS) and a coordinator for the international Peace Museums Network in 2005. This, as well as a visit to Hiroshima, Japan by members of SCWVS a year before, prompted the desire for a museum in Tehran.

Read more: Founding the Iranian Peace Museum

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

"Their burnt eyes and their coughs express their suffering more eloquently than any words"

While visiting the Hiroshima Peace Museum the founders of the Tehran Peace Museum realized the necessity of involving the victims of war in the creation of the museum. Only these individuals could provide credible accounts of the harsh realities of war and their correlating desire for peace.

Read more: Focus on Survivors' Involvement

The Tehran Peace Museum

The Tehran Peace Museum

Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum. It coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops and hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament and peace advocacy.

read moreThe Tehran Peace Museum

Training session: an introduction to the OPCW II

The 2nd training session on “ introduction to Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – OPCW – “ was held on Monday 10 June 2024 at the Tehran Peace Museum.

The event was attended by over 30 participants mostly postgraduate students of law, international relations as well as chemistry and biology.

A number of former OPCW staff members from inspectorate, International Cooperation and Assistance Division as well as two former OPCW Interns were among the speakers of this training session.

Ms Elisabeth Waechter, Head of Public Relations and Spokesperson of the OPCW was one of the speakers of the event who joind the training session via a live video call.

In her remarks, Mr Waechter provided brief information regarding the current and future activities of the OPCW and the role of civil society in promoting the goals of the OPCW and the Chemical Weapons Convention then she answered a number of questions from the audience.

Participants were also given chance to learn on how to use personal protective equipment in chemical incidents in a practical training.

The Tehran Peace Museum organizes such training sessions in regular basis to raise awareness among university students and young generation on the role of international organizations in promoting global peace/disarmament.

OPCW session2b


OPCW session2c


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     Tehran peace museum


    Tehran peace Museum is a member of the International Network of Museums for Peace. the main objective of the museum is to promote a culture of peace through raising awareness about the devastating consequences of war with focus on health and environmental impacts of Chemical weapons.


    Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum.


    On June 29, 2007, a memorial for the poison gas victims of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88), along with a Peace Museum, was completed in a park in Tehran, the capital of Iran. These facilities were established by the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (an Iranian NGO), the city of Tehran, some other NGOs, and individuals and groups in Hiroshima.


    The museum coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops on humanitarian law, disarmament, tolerance, and peace education. At the same time, it hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament, and peace advocacy.


    Additionally, the museum houses a documentary studio that provides a workspace wherein the individual stories of victims of warfare can be captured and archived for the historical record. The museum’s peace library includes a collection of literature spanning topics from international law to the implementation of peace to oral histories of veterans and victims of war.


    Permanent and rotating peace-related art exhibitions displaying the work of amateur international and Iranian artists and children's drawings are also housed in the museum complex. Finally, the Iranian secretariat for the international organization Mayors for Peace is housed in the Tehran Peace Museum.

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