The memorial ceremony of Ms. Saba Bababae (Kuniko Yamamura), a peace activist at the Tehran Peace Museum was held

 The memorial ceremony of Ms. Saba Bababae (Kuniko Yamamura), a peace activist at the Tehran Peace Museum, was held on Wednesday, July 22,

saba babaethe meeting hall of the City Park; Peace activists, volunteer members of the TPM, chemical weapons veterans and Ms. Bababae's family attended the ceremony.

In this ceremony, selected parts of Saba Bababae's autobiography written by Hamid Hessam and Masoud Amirkhani were recited. 

At the beginning, Dr. Seyed Abbas Araghchi (former ambassador of Iran to Japan) gave a speech about the prominent traits of Ms. Bababae as a Muslim woman. Afterwards, Dr. Mohammad Reza Soroush (President of Tehran Peace Museum) spoke about Ms. Bababae's invaluable endeavors at the TPM.

ادامه مطلب: The memorial ceremony of Ms. Saba Bababae (Kuniko Yamamura), a peace activist at the Tehran Peace...

Commemorating the National Day of Victims of Chemical and Microbial Weapons and the 35th Anniversary of the Chemical Attack on Sardasht "From tears to hope"

The ceremony of commemorating the National Day of Victims of Chemical and Microbial Weapons and the 35th anniversary of the chemical Poster- from tears to hopeattack on Sardasht was held on Wednesday, July 8, in Tehran Peace Museum. 

First, the video message of Fernando Arias, director general of  the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was played. 

The representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Eshraq Jahrami read the message of Mr. Hossein Amirabdollahian (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran).. 

Then, the statement of Tehran Peace Museum and Society of Chemical Weapons Victim Support (SCWVS) was recited by Dr. Hamid Salehi, a member of the board of directors of Tehran Peace Museum. 

ادامه مطلب: Commemorating the National Day of Victims of Chemical and Microbial Weapons and the 35th...

“Science for all” festival

 علم برای همه

Two Volunteers of Tehran Peace Museum participated in the “Science for all” festival run by Iran’s National Science Museum in November.

Science for all is a festival which provides people with the opportunity to gain knowledge about different aspects of science. In this festival, Ms. Farzaneh Nazari who was one of the participants of "Hiroshima and Peace 2018"course, delivered a speech regarding the peaceful ways of using nuclear energy. The main sections of her speech were about nuclear structure, application of nuclear energy in health, agriculture, water resource management, the nuclear disaster in Fukushima and Chernobyl and also Hiroshima atomic bombing.

Ms. Mona Badamchizadeh who was also an intern of Mayors for Peace organization held a digital art exhibition by artworks related to the consequences of using weapons of mass destruction with support from TPM and Iran’s National Science Museum.

It is worth mentioning that two paintings from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum’s collection were also digitally displayed. These are two examples of TPM volunteer’s contribution toward raising people’s awareness regarding the effects of weapons of mass destruction.


Workshop on "Peace Reporting Simulation"

Peace reporting

"Peace Reporting Simulation" workshop was held by Iran Secretariat of MFP and the Peace Reporters Association and Iranian Association for Peace Studies at the Tehran Peace Museum 27, 28 December 2019.

The basics and principles of peace reporting, based on how a reporter can prevent biased and escalation and the ways of coverage the truth news to the audience was the topics that educated on the first day of the workshop.
Principles of humanitarian law, the need to protect civilians and not to attack civilian places and the protection of journalists was trained on the second day.
The program also discussed the political history of Afghanistan and the process of peace negotiations between America and the Taliban.

The final section was a simulation of peace reporting on the subject of Afghan peace negotiations.
The participants were divided into different groups and reported on the topics, they had learned during the workshop.
Upon completion of the group reporting, the representatives of each group read their report to the public, and lecturers corrected the texts and explained the important points of each report.

In the end, the participation certification was awarded to participants.

Halabja: 27th Anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Attack

Halabja1Tehran Peace Museum Declaration

As the years pass by, the seed of hope grows steadily in the heart of Halabja, reflecting the strength and spirit of life.

It was 27 years ago, during the last days of winter, that the chaos of war changed the course of Halabja’s history.  White and gray gas exploded and spreaded the elixir of death throughout the city.

First came the skin burns.  Then the breathing slowed down.  Then it stopped.  Women and children stared ahead – unseeing – at the seeds in the ground.

ادامه مطلب: Halabja: 27th Anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Attack