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IIPT's Special Envoy visits TPM

بازدید دکتر فابیون از موزه صلح تهران-S17-02-1398

Dr. Fabio Carbone, special envoy of International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), accompanied by Mr. Mojtaba Ebadi Fath, International Relations’ Officer of Holy Defense Museum, visited Tehran Peace Museum on May 7th 2019. Mr. Taghipour Moghadam, director of TPM, guided him on Museum’s tour and provided him with a thorough explanation regarding different sections of the Museum accompanied by the simultaneous translation provided by one if the Museum's intern.

Read more: IIPT's Special Envoy visits TPM

MOCT group visits TPM

بازدید گروه موست از موزه صلح تهران-05-02-1398 SJapanese humanitarian physicians, also known as “MOCT” whose cooperation with Tehran Peace Museum initiated 14 years ago, accompanied by their new members, visited TPM on 25th of April. After the tour of the museum, history, projects and international cooperation of TPM were presented in a meeting. The future collaboration of the parties was discussed in that meeting as well; among them were Iran-Japan film festival (24-30th of June) In Hiroshima, facilitation of internship programs, inviting children peace education groups of Peace Museums and holding rotating exhibitions of children’s paintings.

بازدید گروه MOCT از موزه صلح تهران

صبح روز پنجشنبه 5 اردیبهشت ماه 1398 گروه پزشکان ژاپنی فعال در حوزه‌ی بشردوستانه‌ موسوم به MOCT که سابقه­‏‌ی همکاری 14 ساله با موزۀ صلح تهران دارند، به همراه اعضای جدید خود از موزه بازدید کردند. پس از بازدید، طی جلسه‌­ای تاریخچه موزه، پروژه­‌های آن و همکاری­‌های بین‌­المللی در این مرکز معرفی شدند. سپس، برنامه‌ی همکاری آینده‌ی طرفین در سال جاری مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. از جمله­‌ی این همکاری­ها می­‌توان به برگزاری جشنوارۀ فیلم ایران و ژاپن (24 تا 30 ژوئن در هیروشیما)، تسهیل برنامه­‌های کارآموزی، دعوت از گروه‌های آموزش صلح کودک موزه­‌های صلح و برگزاری دوره‌ای نمایشگاه‌ نقاشی کودکان اشاره نمود.

TPM representatives attended 4th Review Conference of Chemical Weapons Convention

opcw-2018-tim1Tehran Peace Museum and SCWVS’s representatives attended 23 Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the 4th Review conference of CWC which was held from 19-30 November 2018 in The Hague. 150 member states, 7 international organizations, 75 NGOs, chemical industries and media representatives were present in the conference.

Read more: TPM representatives attended 4th Review Conference of Chemical Weapons Convention 

31st Anniversary of Chemical Attack on Sardasht

sardashtOn June 28th, 1987, 4 chemical weapons (mustard gas) were dropped on Sardasht, a city in Northwest of Iran. 110 civilians were killed within few days and 8000 were exposed to mustard gas.
After 31 years, people of Sardasth are still suffering from the long term consequences of mustard gas. This was the first chemical attack against civilians in the history. On this occasion, the minister of foreign affairs of Iran and director general of Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have issued statements.

Read more: 31st Anniversary of Chemical Attack on Sardasht 

Message of Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif on 31st Anniversary of Chemical Attack on Sardasht

dr-zarifJune 28, 2018 marks the 31st anniversary of the disastrous gas attack by the Iraqi Ba’athist regime on innocent and oppressed people of Sardasht. This day is designated as National Day of Fight Against Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Iranian calendar. The reality is that the calendar can register this human disaster only on one of its pages while the innocence and resistance of the people of Sardasht have been registered eternally in all pages of history.

Read more: Message of Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif on  31st Anniversary of Chemical...


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     Tehran peace museum


    Tehran peace Museum is a member of the International Network of Museums for Peace. the main objective of the museum is to promote a culture of peace through raising awareness about the devastating consequences of war with focus on health and environmental impacts of Chemical weapons.


    Currently housed in a building donated by the municipality of Tehran within the historic City Park, the Tehran Peace Museum is as much an interactive peace center as a museum.


    On June 29, 2007, a memorial for the poison gas victims of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88), along with a Peace Museum, was completed in a park in Tehran, the capital of Iran. These facilities were established by the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (an Iranian NGO), the city of Tehran, some other NGOs, and individuals and groups in Hiroshima.


    The museum coordinates a peace education program that holds workshops on humanitarian law, disarmament, tolerance, and peace education. At the same time, it hosts conferences on the culture of peace, reconciliation, international humanitarian law, disarmament, and peace advocacy.


    Additionally, the museum houses a documentary studio that provides a workspace wherein the individual stories of victims of warfare can be captured and archived for the historical record. The museum’s peace library includes a collection of literature spanning topics from international law to the implementation of peace to oral histories of veterans and victims of war.


    Permanent and rotating peace-related art exhibitions displaying the work of amateur international and Iranian artists and children's drawings are also housed in the museum complex. Finally, the Iranian secretariat for the international organization Mayors for Peace is housed in the Tehran Peace Museum.

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