"Peace Counts" in Herat

Peace-Counts-LogoThe half-day Workshop and exhibition "Peace counts" was held on June 18th, 2017 in Herat University Peace Center for 25 participants from 5 faculties of this university (law and Political Science; Social Sciences; Islamic Law and Science; Journalism; Public Relations and Education ), which included discussions on conflict resolution and conflict transformation.

Read more: "Peace Counts" in Herat

Peace Counts in Saravan Azad University

Saravan-tiThe Peace Counts workshop was held in the Saravan, the capital of Saravan County in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, on December 17th, 2016. This workshop was held in Islamic Azad university of Saravan, with 13 participants from students, lecturers and staffs. Some lawyers and officials of Saravan were among the participants as well. 


During the workshop different concepts of peace as well as conflict escalation levels were discussed. The posters with the central point of local mediators specially "New Life for an Old Tradition" was the subject of discussions since the participants thought it can be an acceptable way of de-escalation in their region too.

Read more: Peace Counts in Saravan Azad University

Peace Counts in Shiraz University

PC-Shiraz-tiThe Peace Counts workshop was held in Shiraz University on December 14th, 2016. This workshop was held in Shiraz University with 8 participants, students of law and psychology, were among them. Participants were members of AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences).


During the workshop participants got familiar with different concepts of peace after reading the Peace Counts Posters. Different aspects of peace as well as Galtung triangle on peace and violence were discussed in this workshop. After a role play based on Peace Counts posters, the participants talked in the groups on nine level of conflict escalation and the role of a mediator in each level.

Read more: Peace Counts in Shiraz University

"Professional Course on Peace Education" hold at TPM

کارگاه تخصصی پنج روزه‌‌ آموزش صلح The "Professional Course on Peace Education" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) as a joint project with Berghof Foundation from 7th to 11th, November 2016. 

Read more: "Professional Course on Peace Education" hold at TPM

“Peace Counts” Workshop in Tehran Peace Museum

Cover-Persian-newsThe Peace Counts workshop was held in the Tehran Peace Museum on February 2nd, 2016. 15 participants from 6 member organization of the Council for Promoting the Culture of Peace for Children were present in this workshop.

Read more: “Peace Counts” Workshop in Tehran Peace Museum

"Peace Counts" exhibition and workshops in Tehran's universities

Cover-Persian-newsFaculty of Law and Political Sciences of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran hosted the "Peace Counts" exhibition on 13-20 December, 2015. The exhibition was organized in collaboration with the Tehran Peace Museum on the occasion of the National Research Week. 

Read more: "Peace Counts" exhibition and workshops in Tehran's universities
